Events & Festivals

Dads – They deserve more than a pair of socks

Fathers Day Ideas

As the years have progressed I’ve found it more and more difficult to find my father that perfect gift for Father’s Day, the kind of gift that literally makes his day. I’m at an age where a macaroni picture or a poorly drawn portrait is no longer going to cut it! And there’s nothing worse than trying to buy dads clothes that they will actually like.

The past few weeks I’ve been having a good browse in all the shops, trying to find inspiration for my dad’s Father’s Day gift. And it’s all the same stuff, every year; socks, hats, scarves, #1 dad mugs. He deserves more than just a impulse purchase. So that’s why I’ve gone a bit creative this year and found 5 fantastic ideas which are bound to make any father smile, just the way he used to when you were just a nipper.

1. The perfect day out

You know your dad better then anyone, so why not devote the entire day to doing stuff he loves. Whether he enjoys driving fast cars, looking at trains, eating great food, learning about historical buildings, or even just enjoying the scenery at the sea side, make it extra special, and go with him.


  • Tell your dad to keep himself free on Sunday 19th of June
  • Book / organise transportation and activities
  • On the 19th, go pick dad up and get him in the car
  • Put on dad’s favourite music, allow him to finish him ramblings and nod occasionally to indicate you’re taking in all of his valuable knowledge he has bestowed on you during this journey
  • Have a good laugh togther completing all the fun filled activities you have planned for the day
  • Once you’re both exhausted from all the fun you’ve been having, return to the car (not forgetting dad) and drive home, reflecting on the amazing day you both just spent together.

2. A printed photo album

We all have those photographs just lying around the house, and if you can find any super embarrassing ones of your dad or yourself, that’s even better! You can easily make them on many websites, but if you’re feeling extra creative why not make one! There are loads of creative and easy ways to make one by hand, but this photo album is by far my favourite, as it’s simple to make, easy to customise, and you can be as creative as you like.

3. Ale and Chocolate

If you’re like me and can never pin down your dad who embarrassingly has more of a social life than yourself, then an ale and chocolate combo is the perfect way to pin him down. After Ainsty Ale teamed up with Choc affair, we discovered that this very unusual match makes the perfect flavour combination. Simply add a tag to the bottled ale saying: “To share with me, happy father’s day, Dad”, now it’s a moment you can both enjoy together.


4. A personalised hamper

Everyone loves presents, big or small. With this option you can collect little bits that you see throughout the weeks such as; his favourite sweets, books, sport gifts, tools, concert tickets… and yes even socks, then pop it all in a decorative box. It’s simple yet effective, plus it stops any unnecessary wrapping!


  • Our chocolate signature library – brand new! Only launched this month!
  • Vincent’s coffee for all those adventurous coffee lovers.
  • Our dark Chilli Chocolate, dark Lime & Sea Salt or milk chocolate Salted Caramel is always a favourite with the boys.
  • And speaking of chilli, has your dad ever tried chilli jam from the chilli jam man?

Why not browse our hamper range and find your inspiration!

5. Bake him something from the heart

Who loves desserts? Dad’s do! So my final Father’s day suggestion is to bake them something gorgeous. We have many recipes you can bake, but the one that I think is perfect for all dad’s is this one… Brownies!

The best thing about these Choc affair brownies is that you can tailor the brownies to your dad’s taste… So if he likes spicy food you can use our Dark Chilli Chocolate, or if he likes fruity flavours you can use our Milk Orange Chocolate bar, for our recipe we used Milk Caramel Chocolate, which (believe me) tastes amazing!


About Linda

Linda is the founder of Choc Affair, with a passion for creating wonderfully delicious chocolates, that are ethically made.