Q&A with our Founder, Linda

Our founder of Choc Affair, Linda, discovered her love of making chocolate back in 2006, when she created our hot chocolate stirrers. Since then, the company has grown immensely; and after just launching our new branding, we thought it would...

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What is sustainable palm oil?

According to The Oxford Dictionary, the definition of sustainability is the ‘avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance’. We understand this to mean balancing our needs with the resources available to us, whilst protecting...

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Why is Palm Oil Bad?

Why is palm oil bad? Palm oil itself is an oil harvested from a resource, yet it is widely blamed as the one of the leading causes of deforestation, along with beef farming, soybean production and timber farming. The world’s consumption...

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What is Palm Oil?

What is Palm Oil? Palm oil trees are a single stem tree, which can grow to over 60 feet tall, with huge fern like leaves that can be as large as 16 feet in length. This tree produces tightly packed clusters...

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#choosewisely campaign

#choosewisely Campaign

This Easter we are going to be talking about the ongoing issues with palm oil, in the hope that what we talk about can help you to make better decisions when purchasing products; especially chocolate! Our #choosewisely campaign aims to explore...

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Choc Affair Re-brand

At the heart of it…

2019 has seen us undertake the refresh of our brand, with the aim of modernising our packaging and logo. It’s quite interesting when you sit back to work through the process, as it makes you ask questions of where you...

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