Wimbledon Chocolate Strawberries
We’ve got a recipe that lets you have even more chocolatey strawberry fun – Our very own Wimbledon Chocolate Strawberries! Perfect for a Wimbledon party, a merry get together, or just an evening treat.
Dads – They deserve more than a pair of socks
As the years have progressed I’ve found it more and more difficult to find my father that perfect gift for Father’s Day, the kind of gift that literally makes his day.
Ainsty Ale & Choc affair Taster Notes
York Ale meets Choc affair Chocolate
A few weeks ago we invited our good friend Andy (owner of Ainsty Ales) to our factory, little did we know he was bringing a few cheeky gifts in the form of bottled drinks.
Raspberry & Rose Cheesecake
Our cheesecake recipe is quick, easy, and it goes down a treat. Decorated with fresh raspberries and grated with chocolate.
Milk chocolate, what about it?
I enjoy a chocolate bar as much as the next person, and these days it’s generally a pretty inexpensive treat.
Orphanage in Kumi, Uganda
I could take you through our entire trip to Kumi piecemeal, but if you’re like me you’ll have clicked out by the third sentence bored, so how about we look at a snapshot of the best bit of our latest visit?
Drink more chocolate! It’s had a very long journey.
The next instalment on our brief history of chocolate, takes place in 1519. An explorer called Hernán Cortés pursued his dream of discovering the New World.
History of Chocolate – Where it all began
The history of chocolate can be traced back as far as the ancient Mayans and Aztecs in Mexico, both of which are classed as some of the greatest ancient civilizations that have ever been discovered!